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06 September 2012

Population Control is GENOCIDE

Population Control is GENOCIDE

(This interview with Sister Aset was first published in Global Africa Pocket News (GAP News) Vol. 1, No. 7 Sept. 1994. It was submitted to Caribbean Times in January '96 but never published) #14

What is population control?

The United Nations Population Fund would like us to believe that it is a benign process of 'voluntary' application of 'family planning' to control the 'rate of growth' of the world's 'sustainable' population within 'manageable' levels in relation to the amount of 'food' and 'consumable goods' the earth can produce. That is as far from the truth as the divide between the very richest and the very poorest people on this planet.

The truth is that population control is the process by which Global Europe (whites, Caucasians, Aryans) seeks to guarantee its perpetual domination of the rest of the human race because of its own fear of annihilation. According to Dr. Frances Cress-Welsing, it is this fear based on the fact of their numerical minority status and their low level of surface melanin, which drives them to commit the most atrocious crimes against humanity, in particular, the most feared nation of all, Global Africa (Black people).

Is it true that the world is over crowded and moving towards an unsustainable population level?

No. Absolutely not. Overcrowding can be measured by one method only that is whether there are too many people to fit in the space available. The most densely populated continent area in the world is Europe, (see GAP News #7, Population Figures), but do Europeans think there are too many people in Europe? Of course not. But they believe there are too many African and Asian people in Europe. That is not overcrowding that is racism.

What about all those starving Africans? If they can't feed themselves surely, there must be too many of them.

No, that is not the case. Those "starving Africans", Asians and other "Third World" peoples produce most of the world's surplus food. Most of the food they produce are luxury or raw, unprocessed goods which are sold cheaply as exports and re-imported as expensive processed foods.

The main reason though, why there appears to be not enough food to go around is not because the so-called third world cannot feed itself, it is because Global Europe, less than 25% of the world's population uses or wastes over 80% of the worlds food goods (consumables) but produces less than 15% of it. So the "third world" make up 75% of the world's population, produce 85% of the world's consumables and consume less than 20% of all that is consumed. If they consumed as much as they produced, Global Europe would be dying of starvation, not Africa.

Is the African population expanding too rapidly?

Let’s look at the evidence: After being systematically depopulated for 400 years, Africa is now the least populated continent in the world with a density one-sixth of Europe's. Africa's death rate is more than twice that of Europe. To be level pegging, Africa's death rate should also be one-sixth of Europe's. When these dishonest people talk about population they make reference only to birth rate. They show that Africa's birth rate is nearly three times that of the European rate, but forget to mention that the infant mortality rate is 5 times higher in Africa.

They never talk about density except in reference to Asia or to say that "Rwanda is the most densely populated country in Africa". They forget to say it was a quarter the density of any country in Europe. They forget also, to tell you that in order for Africa to get to the same population density as Europe (is Europe overpopulated?) the African birth-rate has to be more than 12 times that of Europe (6 times if the death rate becomes equal) for a whole generation.

So, when they talk about "equalizing" or reducing the African birth rate, while at the same time nurturing conflict, manufacturing famine, and importing disease to increase the death rate further, you begin to get the picture. If the birth rates were made equal and everything else remained the same as they are now, each time Europe's population doubled Africa's population would be halved. The world's population may become "stabilized" as they like to say it, but the percentage ratio between the nations would continue changing to their advantage. (See GAP News #5)

It is understandable then, why Cardinal Alfonso Lopez Trujillo, a senior Vatican official cried that if the precepts of the UN Population Control Conference in Cairo were to be implemented the world would experience "the most disastrous massacre in history". He should know, it was his organization, the Roman Catholic church, which sanctified the trade in African lives, resulting in the death of over 200 million people.

Some of the liars say that deaths in war time make very little difference to the population growth because after a war birth rates usually increase to compensate. Certainly, that is true when mostly male soldiers are killed. But when two thirds of the female population are murdered, like the Rwandan slaughter, it would take 4 or 5 generations to get back to where it was before the war. And that is the key. The women.

Global Europe have done everything they could to destroy our people but we are still here and still strong. They are now trying, through an apparently limitless line of African and Asian female mercenaries, posing as leaders, to co-opt us. To convince us that regardless of our particular environmental conditions, contrary to our own community's social and economic needs, it would be in our individual interests to have fewer or no children at all.

Women have the power to determine the fertility or sterility of our nation. It is imperative that we do not allow ourselves to be misled into committing generational suicide. We carry the future of our nation in our hands. We are here because those before us gave us life. Let us give life to our children. We deserve to live.

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