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24 February 2012


Capitalism, Enslavement, Afrikan Political & Economic Co-optation, Genocide, Murder, Drugs & Addiction, Teen Pregnancy, Violence Against The Afrikan Woman, Afrikan on Afrikan Violence, Afrikan Civil War, kwk... All of these things are symptoms of the Central Afrikan Problem of the 20th & 21rst Centuries: Our Lack of POWER! Following the military conquest of Afrika by the Europeans by the early 1900s, the back of Afrikan Military and Politico-Economic power was shattered. Meaning the ability to amass standing armies for offensive and defensive purposes and the ability to provide cultural definition, and politico-economic guidance and support. Since that time with the exception of cursory guerilla defensive activities, we have been at the mercy of the Wretched Asiatics [Europeans, Arabs, kwk.] with no real means of Defense/Offense. Since the Conquest as a result of Mis-Education through European & Arab "Education" institutions we have been seeking Assimilation into Alien Structures for the most part; and have been inculturated with alien ideologies we set us against ourselves.

Since the late 1950s we have seen "Independence Movements" with the birth of Visionary Leaders such as Marcus Garvey, Malcolm X, Patrice Lumumba, Julius Nyerere, Kwame Nkrumah, Sekou Toure, Amilcar Cabral, Robert Mugabe, kwk., each recognized what had actually occurred [See Jaramogi Ajuma, Oginga Odinga's book Not Yet Uhuru.] that what had been attained was not Uhuru, but that more had to be done. But just as the Christian/Judea Myth says that it was not for King David to build the temple for his role was to be that of the establisher of the nation and his decendant son Solomon had that duty; so it is with us. It was not for them to complete the task of Afrikan Re-Construction, they through their words and actions have set us on the path of the WAY, Our Way.
It is for us this Generation to continue the task. We can not leave the Political Apparatus that we now have in the 54 Afrikan Countries in the hands of Neo-Colonialists, Afrikan Sychophants and the like. We can not turn our backs and say it is corrupt, it is the white mans creation, kwk. We have to engage in Grassroots Community Organization & Development and begin the Second Chimurenga of our Liberatory Victory. WE MUST TAKE WHAT WE HAVE TO MAKE WHAT WE WANT In this case through the Democratic Process which is in place throughout much of Sub-Saharan Afrika. No it will not be EASY. Yes it will involve Struggle. And EVENMORE SO, YES IT MUST BE DONE.
We must Fully Engage in the Continuing Development of AFRIKAN COUNTERVAILING POWER! Through Political-Economic Engagement in the Communities of the Diaspora [See Amos Wilsons, Blue Print For Black Power] & in the Nations of Afrika.

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