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19 March 2020

The Wisdom of Malcolm X

"A man who stands for nothing will fall for anything."

"We are nonviolent with people who are nonviolent with us."

"Don't be in a hurry to condemn because he doesn't do what you do or think as you think or as fast. There was a time when you didn't know what you know today."

"My Alma mater was books, a good library... I could spend the rest of my life reading, just satisfying my curiosity."

"Stumbling is not falling."

"There is no better than adversity. Every defeat, every heartbreak, every loss, contains its own seed, its own lesson on how to improve your performance next time."

"They put your mind right in a bag, and take it wherever they want."

"We didn't land on Plymouth Rock, Plymouth Rock landed on us."

"Concerning nonviolence, it is criminal to teach a man not to defend himself when he is the constant victim of brutal attacks."

"A race of people is like an individual man; until it uses its own talent, takes pride in its own history, expresses its own culture, affirms its own self-hood, it can never fulfill itself."

"I for one believe that if you give people a thorough understanding of what confronts them and the basic causes that produce it, they'll create their own program, and when the people create a program, you get action."

"If you're not ready to die for it, put the word 'freedom' out of your vocabulary."

"I feel like a man who has been asleep somewhat and under someone else's control. I feel that what I'm thinking and saying is now for myself. Before it was for and by the guidance of Elijah Muhammad. Now I think with my own mind, sir!"

06 April 2019

Thesis on Speculative Capital

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi, Ph.D.
6 April 6260 KC[ 2019 CE]

  1. Speculative Capital, the principle financial domain of parasitic, domestic and international profiteers and speculators, even in its form of Foreign Direct Investment [FDI], prevents the reunification of the financial and economic sectors of the economies of the Afrikan nation-states and of the internal Afrikan colonies of the continent of Afrika and of the Caribbean and the Americas, with economic sector here being understood as those institutions socially tasked by the designers of the society with the duty of facilitating the production and distribution of necessary goods and services for the optimal well-being of the citizens of the nation.
The domestic profiteers and speculators arose initially during the first interaction between the sovereign states of Afrika and the business interests of the governments, merchants and aristocracy of Europe [Spain, Portugal, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands etc.] c. 5681 – 5841 KC[c. 1440 – 1600 CE].

These parasites, the forerunners of the Black Colonialist political class of contemporary times, were birthed by the rampant galloping and hyperinflation, currency irregularities, population displacement and food-health system decay and collapse that accompanied the inception, regional extension and triumph across western Afrika of the financial and economic influence of both the transatlantic European commerce in trafficked Afrikan captives c. 5681 – 6101 KC[c. 1440 – 1860 CE] and the trans-Saharan Arab commerce in trafficked Afrikans c. 4941 – 6261+ KC [c. 700 – 2020+ CE]. Keeping in mind that the economic institution of slavery does not end but is merely transformed into other seemingly less egregious forms of economic servitude.

Following the military conquest and break-up of the political economy and political systems of the sovereign states of Afrika c. 6121 – 6161 KC[c. 1880 – 1920 CE] the economic and therefore, political and health system damage caused by these two groups expanded exponentially. With total European control of the whole of the social system of the conquered nations Afrikan domestic collaborators and international profiteers and speculators, settler colonialists similar in mentality or socio-economic background to their predecessors Leopold II, King of the Belgians, the British colonial entrepreneur Ceil Rhodes, along with the Black Compradors of both the ruling and poor classes of the conquered people utilized all financial resources for their own avaricious purposes.

As a means of forcing Afrikans to participate in the newly imposed settler colonial economy as laborers, which by nature is an externally oriented economy to the detriment of the domestic economy, and as a means to fund the infrastructure public expenditures that facilitated natural resource exploitation for overseas export, the settler colonial administration implemented a taxation policy that was a levy on the family domiciles in the conquered territory.  This tax which initially could be paid in kind or through labor eventually became centered firmly in the trafficking of labor for wages which were less than enough for subsistence.

All incoming public and private capital, financial investments flowing in from North America and Europe beginning with the inception of the system and continuing to the present and foreseeable future were utilized in some part for direct and indirect speculation, black-marketeering and usury, ie., extortionate moneylending. These all resulted generally in galloping inflation, which is a chronic and widely fluctuating increase in the general level of prices ranging between double and triple digits per year. This is the situation that continues to prevail 6260 KC[ 2019 CE] with the parasitic speculators dominating both so-called legal and illegal trades in foreign currencies, labor and all manner of natural resources peculiar to a given Afrikan nation-state.

16 January 2018

Sexual Expression?

Sexual Expression?

Ambakisye-Okang Dukuzumurenyi, PhD

“The persons who have dominant functional control or influence over the sexual expressions and/or desires of other persons [animals, etc.] also have dominant control over the basic motivations of those same persons in other areas of expression, including economics, education, entertainment, labor, law, politics, religion, and war.” [Neely Fuller]

We are Possessed by the Daimonic of the “Wretched Asiatic” [Classical Kemet description, originally denoting the peoples of the fertile crescent and which will now be used to designate today’s peoples of the European peninsula, Southwest, South, Southeast, East and Central Asia, the Americas who collectively possess the de-spiritualized cultural mores, values of Western Europe. Those peoples who are classified or classify themselves as white or non-white, and practice, support and maintain white supremacy, i.e., current global power relations, either consciously or subconsciously; as expressed in the incarnation of the European spirit in their physical bodies.]

The current model of manhood and of how to interact with the Afrikan woman is the enslaver/colonizer [so too is the current model of Afrikan womanhood], the Arab, European, Asian, they who practice rape, murder, and dehumanization. The Afrikan woman is approached by the Afrikan man as if she is an object of sexual gratification to be used to satisfy urges just as the enslaver/colonizer did and does.

The sadism of the enslaver/colonizer is the defining characteristic of the sexual relations of the Afrikan man and woman. Force, degradation, pain, screams of so-called ecstasy, references to domination, Herculean acrobatic efforts, subjugation, sodomy, the swallowing of the seed of life, entering into the bedchamber as a conqueror, going in to the Afrikan Woman to “do” something to; to “take” something from; to “Rape- use deceit, threaten social, physical, or psychological deprivation, take advantage of, offering material benefits, making false promises, using violence,” [Neely Fuller Jr.] and not to create, etc.

The molestation, rape and/or abandonment of the offspring that result are all schizoid, psychotic actions that we have learned from the enslaver/colonizer and now consider sane.

After five centuries of such sickness, perpetrated by the Afrikan man seeking to imitate the model of manhood of the “Wretched Asiatic,” the Afrikan woman has also come to define this behavior as proper [see our children’s social expressions for proof]; as an expression of true manhood as a definition of proper sexual relations of proper communication, preferring to be “man-handled.”

If one has only known pain, has only been treated like bodily waste, one will begin to define that as normal and consider its opposite when encountered as abnormal.

How far we are from our Afrikan selves. We have become the bastards of another culture. We have undergone forced acculturation and lost ourselves, because we do not look to ourselves.

What is our intentionality? By intentionality I mean the social structures which give meaning to our experience. It is the earth out of which our intentions, our emotive force, spring forth. What is the intentionality of our actions? It is European intentionality. What has happened to the Afrikan intentionality? It is buried within us, awaiting revivification.

What is our intentionality in our communication as Afrikan men and women? What is our intentionality in our sexual expression, our sexual intercourse, our sexual play?

“If you do not understand White Supremacy [Racism] what it is and how it works in the nine areas of human activity, everything that you think you understand will only confuse you.” [Neely Fuller Jr.]

16 August 2016